The STRING field specifier (case sensitive) allows you to specify one or more strings of which one must be contained as a substring in a specified field.

NOTE: The field specifier speed can be optimized by restricting the field to the MatchType property type.



Type one or more strings. A document is only returned if one of these strings is a substring of the value in one of yourFields. You can match strings that contain punctuation (but see Note below) or consist of several words.

NOTE: Strings in the query should be percent-encoded. This ensures that any commas or curly braces that are part of a string are not interpreted as query syntax. If you are sending HTTP requests using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded you should then percent-encode all parameter values, meaning that any commas or curly braces that are part of a string are percent-encoded twice (such that a comma is represented by the sequence %252c). For more information, see Percent Encoding in Queries.

yourFields Type one or more fields. A document is only returned if it contains one of these fields, and if the value in this field is contains one of yourStrings as a substring.Separate multiple fields with colons (:). There must be no space before or after a colon.



A document's ANIMAL field value must contain the substring cat or dog for this document to be returned.

FieldText=STRING{old cat}:ANIMAL:TOPIC

A document's ANIMAL or TOPIC field value must contain the substring old cat for this document to be returned. If a document's ANIMAL field, for example, has the value old cat, old caterpillar or bold cats, this document is returned.


A document's COMPANY field value must contain the substring for this document to be returned. If a document's COMPANY field, for example, has the value or, this document is returned.


A document's MISC field value must contain the substring a,b for this document to be returned. If a document's MISC field, for example, has the value a,b or a,b,c, this document is returned.